AggregateFunctAvgExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:avg |
AggregateFunctCountExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:count |
AggregateFunctExpression | Represents base class of all aggregate function expressions |
AggregateFunctMaxExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:max |
AggregateFunctMedianExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:median |
AggregateFunctMinExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:min |
AggregateFunctStdDevPopExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:stddev_pop |
AggregateFunctStdDevSampExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:stddev_samp |
AggregateFunctSumExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:sum |
AggregateFunctVarPopExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:var_pop |
AggregateFunctVarSampExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:var_samp |
AndCondExpression | Represents XQuery conjunction and of two conditions |
Buffer | Represents the DOM buffer |
BufferIterator | Represents iterator over nodes stored in buffer for a given path |
BufferNode | Represents a buffer node |
BufferNodeList | Represents a list of buffer nodes |
CharNode | Represents a character buffer node (text node of an XML tree) |
CmdLine | Represents all application call parameters |
CommentExpression | Represents an XQuery comment expression |
CondExpression | Represents base class of all conditional expressions |
CondOperandExpression | Represents XQuery comparison of two operands with relational operators < , <= , >= , > , = or != |
ConstExpression | Represents base class of all constant (numeric or string) expressions |
DecIndents | Represents helper class for manipulating (decrementing) indents in all output streams |
DependencySet | Represents a set of dependency-tuples for a variable |
DependencyTuple | Represents a single tuple of a set of dependency-tuples |
descriptions | |
DocExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:doc |
EmptyCondExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:empty |
EmptyExpression | Represents an XQuery empty expression |
Environment | Represents (current) binding of variables to a buffer node |
Exception | Represents base class of all exceptions |
Executor | Represents the main control instance |
ExistsCondExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:exists |
Expression | Represents base class of all expressions |
FalseCondExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:false |
FileInputStream | Represents a file input stream |
FileOutputStream | Represents a file output stream |
ForExpression | Represents an XQuery for-loop |
FSAMap | Represents mapping of variables to their first straight ancestor (FSA) variable |
FunctAbsExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:abs |
FunctCeilingExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:ceiling |
FunctCoverExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:cover |
FunctFloorExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:floor |
FunctRoundExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:round |
FunctRoundHalfToEvenExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:round-half-to-even |
FunctTruncateExpression | Represents XQuery non-standard function fn:truncate |
IfExpression | Represents XQuery conditional expression if-then-else |
IncIndents | Represents helper class for manipulating (incrementing) indents in all output streams |
InputStream | Represents base class of all input streams |
IntMultiSet | Represents a multi set of integers, ranging from 0 to a fixed maximum |
InvalidArgumentException | Represents invalid argument exception |
InvalidCastException | Represents invalid cast exception |
IOStreamException | Represents I(input)/O(utput) stream exception |
MiscFunctions | Represents helper class with methods needed for conversion and mathematical calculations |
NodeConstructExpression | Represents an XQuery XML element with or without an expression inside |
NotCondExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:not |
NotImplementedException | Represents not implemented exception |
NullInputStream | Represents a null (none) input stream |
NullOutputStream | Represents a null (none) output stream |
NumericConstExpression | Represents an XQuery numeric value |
OperandExpression | Represents base clase of all XQuery operands of a condition |
option | |
options_descriptions | |
OrCondExpression | Represents XQuery disjunction or of two conditions |
OutputStream | Represents base class of all output streams |
ParseException | Represents parse(r) exception |
ParVarMap | Represents mapping of variables to their parent variable (ParVar) and path |
PassiveProjectionTree | Class for the passive projection tree |
PassiveProjectionTreeConfiguration | Represents a token configuration on top of a passive projection tree |
PassiveProjectionTreeNode | A node of the passive projection tree |
PathEnvironment | Represents mapping of variables to their path |
PathExpression | Represents an XQuery path expression |
PathExpressionAdornment | An adorned path expression |
PathStepAttribute | Represents base class of all attribute expressions |
PathStepAttributePosition | Represents an XQuery attribute for a single XPath path step of the form [position ()=n] |
PathStepExpression | Represents base class of all path step expressions |
PathStepNodeExpression | Represents a single XPath path step of the form /node() or //node() |
PathStepStarExpression | Represents a single XPath path step of the form / * or // * |
PathStepTagExpression | Represents a single XPath path step of the form /tag or //tag |
PathStepTextExpression | Represents a single XPath path step of the form /text() or //text() |
ProjectionDFA | Represents the DFA used for stream preprojection |
ProjectionDFAState | Represents a single state of the ProjectionDFA |
ProjectionDFATransitions | Represents a set of transition out of a projection DFA state |
ProjectionTree | Represents the constructed projection tree |
ProjectionTreeLabel | Represents labels for positions in the projection trees |
ProjectionTreeLabels | Calculates and stores the set of all projection tree labels |
ProjectionTreeNode | Represents a single node of the constructed projection tree |
ResIndents | Represents helper class for manipulating (resetting) indents in all output streams |
Role | Represents a single role |
RoleList | Represents a list of all used roles |
RoundingExpression | Represents base class of all rounding function expressions |
RuntimeException | Represents runtime exception |
SequenceExpression | Represents a sequence of XQuery expressions |
SignOffExpression | Represents a single (signOff-) expression of the form signOff(variable/path, role) |
SocketInputStream | Represents a socket input stream |
SocketOutputStream | Represents a socket output stream |
StdinInputStream | Represents a standard (console) input stream |
StdoutOutputStream | Represents a standard (console) output stream |
StreamManager | Represents stream managing class |
StreamPreProcessor | The StreamPreprocessor manages prefiltering of the input stream |
StreamTracker | Keeps track of the input stream and appends data to the buffer |
StringConstExpression | Represents an XQuery string value |
StringHash | Represents a string hash function |
TagInfo | Represents a (Tag,ID)-pair |
TagMap | Represents mapping of numeric values of tagnames to their string value |
TagNode | Represents a tag buffer node (element node of an XML tree) |
TokenConfiguration | Represents a token configuration, which describes a set of active positions in the projection tree during stream preprojection |
TrueCondExpression | Represents XQuery standard function fn:true |
Value | An XML value, used to represent typed XML PCDATA elements |
VarExpression | Represents an XQuery variable |
VariableTree | Represents the constructed variable tree |
VariableTreeNode | Represents a single node of the constructed variable tree |
VarName | Represents mapping of numeric values of variables to their string value |
VarstepCondExpression | Represents XQuery condition if($x) or if($x/bib/book) |
VarStepExpression | Represents an XQuery variable with following path (or a path without a preceding variable) |
WhereExpression | Represents an XQuery where-clause |
WriIndents | Represents helper class for writing indents in all output streams |