Databases and Information Systems
Sie sind hier: Startseite Teaching Lehrangebot Sommersemester 2016 Querying Big Data

Querying Big Data

Exercises & Schedule

Nr. Content PDF Release Submission Discussion
1. Introduction to MapReduce [pdf] 20.04.2016 04.05.2016, 11h 11.05.2016
2. Joins in MapReduce [pdf] 04.05.2016 18.05.2016, 11h 25.05.2016
3. Graph Algorithms in MapReduce & Introduction to Pig Latin [pdf] 18.05.2016 01.06.2016, 11h 08.06.2016
4. Built-in Functions, Joins and Aggregations in Pig Latin [pdf] 01.06.2016 15.06.2016, 11h 22.06.2016
5. Pig UDFs, Embedded Pig & Introduction to Hive [pdf] 15.06.2016 03.07.2016, 11h 13.07.2016
6. Advanced Hive Queries [pdf] 29.06.2016 13.07.2016, 11h 20.07.2016

Submit your solutions using the SVN-Repository that we provide to you. The solutions must be reasonable commented.
Zuletzt geändert am: 01.07.2016