Business Process Modeling
- Introductory meeting and assignment of topics: Friday, April 27th, 2 p.m., room 01-029, building 51
- Schedule: tba
- ECTS: 4
Seminar Contents
Business processes are a critical success factor in modern companies. Therefore, the adequate modeling and analysis of these processes is an important aspect to increase the competitiveness of a company. In this seminar, we take a closer look on the most prominent formalisms for modeling business processes and their applications. The participation in the Horus Social BPM Lab is planned to gather hands-on experience in modeling business process in a distributed environment with project partners from different national and international institutions.
The seminar is limited to max. eight students, and we recommend to register asap.
Prerequisites for Participation
All students are expected to have successfully completed the course "Software Engineering (Softwaretechnik)".
Prerequisites for Passing
- Participation in all sessions
- Participation in the Horus Social BPM Lab on May, 25th, 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
- Submission of written report (10-20 pages using provided
Word or
Latex template) by August, 31st, 2012
- Oral presentation of each participant in English; presentation 45 mins, discussion and question 15 mins
- Participation in discussions and the quality of questions raised is also part of the final grade
- The final grade is composed of 50% oral presentation plus participation in discussions and 50% written report and participation in the Horus Social BPM Lab