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Dr. Martin ZablockiInstitut für InformatikAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Georges-Köhler-Allee 51 79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany e-mail: ![]() web: www.zablocki.eu profiles: XING, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, dblp |
About me
- 02/2017: PhD defense (Dr.-Ing) on Distributed Processing of Navigational Query Languages for RDF in the Database and Information Systems group of Prof. Dr. Lausen
- 10/2010 - 04/2017: Joined the Database and Information Systems group of Prof. Dr. Lausen as a Ph.D. student
- 10/2007 - 09/2010: Master o.Sc. in Computer Science with minor in Business Administration, University of Freiburg
- 10/2004 - 09/2007: Bachelor o.Sc. in Computer Science with minor in Business Administration, University of Freiburg
Research Interests
- Semantic Web Technologies(RDF, SPARQL, ...)
- Querying Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs
- Distributed Storage and Processing Frameworks (Spark, Impala, Hadoop, MapReduce, Cassandra, ...)
- Distributed Music Recommender Systems
Research Projects
- Distributed Processing of Semantic Data
- MuSe – Music Sensing in a Social Context
- Re(c)SPARQL: Recommendation Engine SPARQL
- CORSOS - Constraints over RDF for Semantic Processing of SPARQL
An overview of publications with BibTeX records can be found on dblp.-
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Georg Lausen:
Querying Semantic Knowledge Bases with SQL-on-Hadoop [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 4th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, (BeyondMR@SIGMOD 2017). Chicago, IL (USA), May 2017. -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Simon Skilevic, Georg Lausen:
S2RDF: RDF Querying with SPARQL on Spark [ .pdf ]
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Volume 9, No. 10, June 2016.
42nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2016). New Delhi (India), September 2016. -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Simon Skilevic, Georg Lausen:
S2RDF: RDF Querying with SPARQL on Spark [ Tech. Report ]
Computing Research Repository (CoRR), December 2015. -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thorsten Berberich, Georg Lausen:
S2X: Graph-Parallel Querying of RDF with GraphX [ .pdf ]
Biomedical Data Management and Graph Online Querying, VLDB 2015 Workshops (Big-O(Q) 2015) and DMAH, Revised Selected Papers, volume 9579 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 155-168. Hawaii (USA), August 2015. -
Victor Anthony Arrascue Ayala, Anas Alzoghbi, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Georg Lausen:
Speeding up Collaborative Filtering with Parametrized Preprocessing [ .pdf ]
In Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Social Recommender Systems (SRS 2015),
in conjunction with the 2015 ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015). Sydney, Australia, August 2015. -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Georg Lausen:
TriAL-QL: Distributed Processing of Navigational Queries [ .pdf ] (Best Paper Runner-Up Award)
Proc. of 18th International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2015) at SIGMOD 2015. Melbourne (Australia), June 2015. -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Adrian Lange:
TriAL-QL: Distributed Processing of Navigational Queries [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (AMW 2015) Lima (Peru), May 2015. -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Antony Neu, Georg Lausen:
Sempala: Interactive SPARQL Query Processing on Hadoop [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014). Riva del Garda (Italy). -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Alexander Schätzle, Sven Gauß, Io Taxidou, Georg Lausen:
MUSE: A Music Recommendation Management System [ .pdf ] [ Poster ]
Proc. of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014). Taipei (Taiwan), October 2014 -
Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Thomas Hornung, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Sven Gauß, Georg Lausen:
Music Recommenders Based on Hybrid Techniques and Serendipity [ .pdf ]
Journal: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS) 12(3):235-248 (2014) -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
Large-Scale RDF Processing with MapReduce [ Book ]
Large Scale and Big Data - Processing and Management 2014: 151--182. Auerbach Publications 2014 -
Victor Anthony Arrascue Ayala, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Alexander Schätzle, Georg Lausen:
Extending SPARQL for Recommendations [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management (SWIM 2014),
in conjunction with SIGMOD 2014. Snowbird, Utah (USA), June 2014. -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Eduard Skaley, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
Map-Side Merge Joins for Scalable SPARQL BGP Processing [ .pdf ]
5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science Proceedings, (CloudCom 2013). Bristol (UK). -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
PigSPARQL: A SPARQL Query Processing Baseline for Big Data [ .pdf ] [ Poster ]
Proc. of the ISWC 2013 Posters & Demonstrations Track (ISWC 2013). Sydney (Australia). -
Thomas Hornung, Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Simon Franz, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle,
Georg Lausen:
Evaluating Hybrid Music Recommender Systems [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 12th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence(WI 2013). Atlanta, GA (USA). -
Simon Franz, Thomas Hornung, Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Georg Lausen:
On Weighted Hybrid Track Recommendations [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2013). Aalborg (Denmark). -
Alexander Schätzle, Antony Neu, Georg Lausen, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki:
Large-Scale Bisimulation of RDF Graphs [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the Fifth Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management (SWIM 2013),
in conjunction with the 2013 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2013). New York (USA). -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Thomas Hornung, Io Taxidou:
Towards a SPARQL 1.1 Feature Benchmark on Real-World Social Network Data [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the First International Workshop on Benchmarking RDF Systems (BeRSys 2013), co-located with the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013). Montpellier (France). -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Christopher Dorner, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
Cascading Map-Side Joins over HBase for Scalable Join Processing [ .pdf ]
Proc. of the Joint Workshop on Scalable and High-Performance Semantic Web Systems (SSWS+HPCSW 2012), in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012). Boston (USA). -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Thomas Hornung, Christopher Dorner, Georg Lausen:
Cascading Map-Side Joins over HBase for Scalable Join Processing [ Tech. Report ]
Computing Research Repository (CoRR), June 2012. -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
RDFPath: Path Query Processing on Large RDF Graphs with MapReduce (extended revised version) [ .pdf ]
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2011 Workshops, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS 7117, pp. 50–64, Springer, 2011. -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Georg Lausen:
PigSPARQL: Mapping SPARQL to Pig Latin [ .pdf ]
3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management (SWIM 2011), in conjunction with the 2011 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2011), June 2011. Athens (Greece). -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Alexander Schätzle, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
RDFPath: Path Query Processing on Large RDF Graphs with MapReduce [ .pdf ]
1st Workshop on High-Performance Computing for the Semantic Web (HPCSW 2011), collocated with 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011), June 2011. Heraklion (Greece). -
Alexander Schätzle, Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki, Thomas Hornung, Georg Lausen:
PigSPARQL: Übersetzung von SPARQL nach PigLatin [ .pdf ]
In Proc. 14th conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology and Web (BTW 2011), March 2011. Kaiserslautern (Germany). -
Martin Przyjaciel-Zablocki:
RDFPath: Verteilte Analyse von RDF-Graphen [ .pdf ]
Master Thesis, September 2010. University of Freiburg (Germany)
Querying Semantic Knowledge Bases with SQL-on-Hadoop
BeyondMR@SIGMOD 2017, May 2017. Chicago (USA). -
Distributed Processing of Navigational Query Languages for RDF
Disputation, February 2017. University of Freiburg (Germany). -
Scalable Recommender Systems & Distributed Processing of Semantic Data
Invited Talk at Ghent University, August 2015. Ghent (Belgium). -
Distributed Processing of Semantic Data
Invited Talk at Novartis Basel, August 2015. Basel (Switzerland). -
TriAL-QL: Distributed Processing of Navigational Queries
WebDB 2015, June 2015. Melbourne (Australia). -
TriAL-QL: Distributed Processing of Navigational Queries
AMW 2015, May 2015. Lima (Peru). -
Map-Side Merge Joins for Scalable SPARQL BGP Processing
IEEE CloudCom 2013, Dec 2013. Bristol (UK). -
Recommending Software Apps in a B2B Context
Web Intelligence 2013, Nov 2013. Atlanta, GA (USA). -
Evaluating Hybrid Music Recommender Systems
Web Intelligence 2013, Nov 2013. Atlanta, GA (USA). -
Towards a SPARQL 1.1 Feature Benchmark on Real-World Social Network Data
BeRSys 2013 2013, co-located with ESWC 2013, Nov 2013. Atlanta, GA (USA). -
RDFPath: Path Query Processing on Large RDF Graphs with MapReduce [ .pdf ]
HPCSW 2011, co-located with ESWC 2011, June 2011. Heraklion (Greece). -
Handling Large RDF Graphs with MapReduce [ .pdf ]
Semantic Rhine, October 2010. University of Freiburg (Germany).
- Lecturer, Renewable Energy Engineering and Management, Energy Informatics M.Sc. , University of Freiburg, WS16/17
- Lecturer, Lab Course on Querying Big Data, University of Freiburg, SS16
- Supervisor, Seminar on Game Theory and Electronic Markets, University of Freiburg, SS16
- Lecturer, Data Analysis and Querying on Hadoop Masterproject, University of Freiburg, WS15/16
- Supervisor, Databases and Information Systems, University of Freiburg, WS15/16
- Lecturer, Lab Course on Querying Big Data, University of Freiburg, SS15
- Supervisor, Databases and Information Systems, University of Freiburg, WS14/15
- Lecturer, Massive Graph Processing on Hadoop Masterproject, University of Freiburg, WS14/15
- Supervisor, Seminar on Linked Data, University of Freiburg, WS14/15
- Lecturer, Lab Course on Querying Big Data, University of Freiburg, SS14
- Supervisor, Databases and Information Systems, University of Freiburg, WS13/14
- Lecturer, Cloud Computing Teamproject, University of Freiburg, WS13/14
- Supervisor, Seminar on Big Data Analytics - Foundations and Applications, University of Freiburg, WS13/14
- Supervisor, Data Models and Query Languages, University of Freiburg, SS13
- Lecturer, Lab Course on Databases and Cloud Computing, University of Freiburg, SS13
- Lecturer, Foundations of Database Systems, Center for Key Qualifications, University of Freiburg, WS12/13
- Lecturer, Cloud Computing Teamproject, University of Freiburg, WS12/13
- Lecturer, Lab Course on Databases and Cloud Computing, University of Freiburg, SS12
- Lecturer, Cloud Computing Teamproject, University of Freiburg, WS11/12
- Supervisor, Distributed Databases Seminar, University of Freiburg, WS11/12
- Supervisor, Foundations of Database Systems, Center for Key Qualifications, University of Freiburg, WS11/12
- Supervisor, Advanced Information Systems, University of Freiburg, SS11
- Lecturer, Praktikum, Projekt 'Datenbanken und Cloud Computing', University of Freiburg, SS11
- Lecturer, Projekt 'Cloud Computing', University of Freiburg, WS1011
- TA, Einführung in die Informatik, University of Freiburg, SS10
- TA, Algorithms Theory, University of Freiburg, WS0910
- TA, Einführung in die Informatik, University of Freiburg, SS09
- TA, Einführung in die Informatik, University of Freiburg, SS08
- TA, Informatik II - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, University of Freiburg, SS08